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Jaemin sat on the living room couch, dejected, his shoulders slumped, and eyes cast down in a mournful gaze

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Jaemin sat on the living room couch, dejected, his shoulders slumped, and eyes cast down in a mournful gaze.

He felt lost- the numbness from his loss had not even passed, and yet he had to let go of his pain and put on a facade for the children.

The question of whether he was capable enough of taking care of the kids ran through his mind like a lightning bolt, hitting him with nothing but despair again and again.

Jia's eyes remained frozen on him, carefully scanning his disheveled state. His hair was a mess, poking in every direction as eye bags decorated his face, casting a shadow over his pale skin. A clear frame hung lazily on his nose bridge as an air of despondency surrounded him.

She hesitantly placed a hand on his shoulders, wondering if it was appropriate. Jaemin flinched at the sudden contact, bringing him out of his dazed stupor."Are you... okay?"

Jaemin shuffled in his place as if to create a little distance between the two. Interlacing his fingers on his lap, he put on a small smile, not really wanting pity from a stranger. "Yea, I'm fine."

Jia could see right through his facade- the visible holes in his walls were cloaked with fortitude. But she decided not to pry on the matters. Throwing him a warm smile, she crooned. "If you need any help, feel free to ask for it. I live next door."

Slowly standing up, she quietly stole out through the front door, leaving him alone in his safe place. But he didn't feel alone. A gush of warmth spread through his soul as a small smile made its way to his lips. He never knew that a single act of kindness could warm up his grieving heart.


Jaemin nervously paced back and forth across the matted brown carpet of his room, contemplating if he should ask for help with the kids from a complete stranger.
I mean, she did tell me yesterday to ask for her help if necessary.

Pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration, he continued on his back and forth movement, deeply in thought. What could go wrong? Surely she'll help. Right? She looks like a nice person.

Jaemin was, in fact, expecting help from his friends, but they canceled last minute, stating they were all busy. He didn't wanted to force them and be a bother with his problems, so he decided to trust Jia and ask herfor help.

Trust is scarier than a bullet, but Jaemin could feel the sincerity behind Jia's words. He knew she wouldn't disappoint the boys and be gentle.

So he found himself in front of her apartment unit, knocking on her door, louder than intended. Taking a step back, he waited for her response, nervously glancing at the potted plants next to the door.

Jia's orbs dilated as they met Jaemin's, her face an echo of surprise. "Hey!"

"Hi!" He sheepishly smiled, rubbing the back of his kneck.

"I-" Awkwardly fiddling with the hem of his hoodie, he scanned the living room behind her before sucking in a deep breath as he uttered, "I-I n-need your help."

"Sure." She smiled, nudging the door open wider. "How may I help you?"

There was kindness in her smile, a gentleness, and Jaemin couldn't take his eyes off her. He watched her eyes sparkling with innocence and her smile so genuine that he felt himself drowning further. And the way her soft brown locks cascaded down the back, complimenting her pale skin, she looked ethereal.

"Hey, Are you alright?" Jia waved her hands, bringing him out of his trance, and he chuckled nervously, embarrassed as shades of pink coated his skin.


Jia tilted her head to the side, confused. "Okay."

"Can I leave the kids with you for a while? My friends are all busy, and I've got no one else to ask. I need to go to the supermarket to buy some supplies."

"Sure." She beamed him a toothy grin, and Jaemin's eyes lit up, his lips curving upward into a smile.

"Really? Thank you so much." He opened his arms, almost hugging her, but stopped mid-way, realizing that they were still practically strangers.

Jaemin stood there stiffly, his arms hanging awkwardly in the air. "I'll... I guess I'll bring the kids over."

Turning on his heels, he ran towards his apartment, leaving her a blushing mess.

Turning on his heels, he ran towards his apartment, leaving her a blushing mess

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