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For this shit? 

But thank you so much for all the views and comments

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But thank you so much for all the views and comments. I feel honored considering this is my very first fanfic. Thank you <3

 Thank you <3

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A beam of light seeped through the half-open curtains, illuminating the darkroom

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A beam of light seeped through the half-open curtains, illuminating the darkroom. Jia opened her eyes slightly, a little groan escaping her lips as the shining lights blinded her. Still, in the clutches of the night's glue, she pulled the warm sheets over her head, soaking in the warmth of the comforter.

She tried to turn around but felt a weight over her waist. The feeling of a bare chest rising and falling against her back rubbed all her sleepiness away. She hesitantly glanced down and saw a hand wrapped loosely around her waist.

Her breath hitched in her throat as heat rose up to her cheeks. 

After Jaemin's heartbreaking confession, they had decided to call it a day. But he had adamantly refused to let go of her, pulling her on the bed with him.

Jia tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but he tightened his grip.

"5 more minutes." He groaned as he snuggled closer, hiding his head in her neck. His voice hoarse from just waking up, Jia felt a shiver run down her spine as his lips brushed against her neck.

"Jaemin, wake up." Jia tried to shake him off of her.

Jaemin hesitantly loosened his grip on her as he sat up groggily, rubbing his eyes, trying to wash away the night's dream. "Good morning, Peaches."

"Class starts today?" He asked, his eyes half-open as he glanced around the room. His hair disheveled and poking in every direction. His toned abs rigidly defined as he stretched his hands above his head, letting out a yawn.

"Y-Yea." Jia hurriedly turned around and dragged her feet off the bed.

Fuck. Did he have to look like a snac this early in the morning?
Her cheeks kissed red like beetroot as she hastily ran out of the room, yelling. "I'm going to make breakfast. You should wash up."

Jaemin chuckled at her flustered state. He swore she was the cutest when nervous.


"Jisungie, you are awake." Jia cooed as soon as she saw the toddler stumbling into the kitchen. He raised his hands up, demanding a hug, and she complied happily. Jisung buried his head in her shoulder as soon as she picked him up, his black tufty hair sticking out. He curled his fingers into the fabric of her shirt, tight enough to assure him that he was not alone.

"Jisungie, you can't sleep again. Wake up." She chuckled as she softly patted his back to wake him up. Jisung whined, not wanting to separate from her. She was all he wanted.

"I'll take him." Jaemin hurriedly made his way towards the two and scooped him up from her arms.

"Ji, drink some water." He handed Jisung a glass of water, and the latter lazily sipped on it.

"Good morning, boys." Jia chirped at the sight of the twins.

"Good morning." Renjun and Donghyuck adorably answered as they waddled into the kitchen in their pajamas, their hands intertwined.

Jia crouched down and gave them both hugs and kisses before handing them their glass of water. "Drink up. I'll get you some food."

The two kids nodded their heads as they climbed up onto their highchairs, patiently waiting for their food.

"Food is ready." She exclaimed as she passed the plates full of toasts, sausages, and scrambled eggs to the boys. The twins immediately opened their mouths wide, stuffing the food into their mouths.

"Jaemin, who is going to take care of the boys?" She asked the male, passing him his plate.

"I talked to a daycare nearby. I'll drop the twins there while I'll take Jisung with me to work." He answered while feeding the toddler his food. "Jisungie, say ah!"

"Are you sure the twins are going to be alright? I don't want anything bad to happen to them while we are not around." She questioned, her brows furrowed as she pondered over other options. "Why don't you take all of them to work?"

"I can't. I'll only be able to look after Jisung while working. And the twins are going to be alright. The daycare is safe. Besides, they are big boys now. I'm sure they can take care of themselves. Right, boys?" Jaemin smiled, averting his gaze from Jisung to the two twins.

The two boys happily nodded their heads as they munched on their food.

"See? They'll be fine. Stop worrying so much, will you? Or you'll get wrinkles all over your face." He chuckled, looking at her.

"Hey! Do you want to say that I'm getting old?" She threatened, pointing the butter knife at him.

Jaemin raised his hands up in defense, laughing. "All I'm saying is they are going to be all right. Don't worry."

"If you say so." She hummed, munching on her food. 

So, I finally took the personality test and it's INFP

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So, I finally took the personality test and it's INFP. What's yours?

Mhmm... I gave Jia a pet name. I am so bad at this shit. I couldn't think of anything good. So... Peaches it is.

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