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Jaemin kneeled down beside her and placed his hand on her shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze

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Jaemin kneeled down beside her and placed his hand on her shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. "Are you okay?"

Jia didn't say anything. Her head hung low, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her t-shirt nervously. She wasn't crying anymore, but she wasn't feeling better either. Her heart was still hammering against her chest, and she felt the room spun around her. She felt sick.

Jaemin rubbed shooting circles on her shaking back, chanting reassuring words that everything was going to be alright. But nothing got past the wall she had created. His words were bouncing off her like a ping pong ball.

A sudden sweet tune of an unfamiliar song caught her attention- the melody penetrating through the invisible walls and to her soul, engulfing her into a warm embrace as it calmed her nerves.

Jia looked up, locking her gaze with his.


His voice was soothing- smooth and clear, yet powerful. His voice was music and grace, and the promise of tomorrow. His voice was angelic and beautiful, and the assurance to never let go, the pledge to safety. And Jia found comfort in his voice, in him - her safe haven.

Jaemin gave her a warm smile. "Are you feeling better now?"

"Yea, thanks." She mumbled, her cheeks red as a beetroot and burning hot like the sun.

She was absolutely mortified, frozen on her spot. She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. I was crying? In front of Jaemin? Seriously? It's so embarrassing.

Jisung waddled up to her and cupped her face with his tiny hands, a shy smile plastered on his face.

Jia couldn't help but smile along with him, completely forgetting about her flustered state. The kids were a bundle of joy, and she was more than happy to have them in her life. Maybe it was a little too soon, but she felt content around the boys.

The little toddler embraced her into a warm hug, wrapping his tiny arms around her neck as if he knew that she needed comfort. Snuggling closer, her heart melted at his small gesture, and she couldn't have been thankful enough. Donghyuck and Renjun too joined the two, turning it into a group hug.

Jaemin's heart swelled up at the scene. His lips curved upward as creases formed below his eyes.

"Kids, it's breakfast time." His loud but playful voice boomed through the living room, interrupting their small moment. The kids quickly dispersed and ran to the kitchen, leaving the two adults alone.

Jaemin extended his arms for her to take. He smiled at her, hoping to lighten the invisible weight she was carrying on her shoulders.

Jia's eyes traveled from his face to his hands and back to his face. There was something about the way he smiled- it was alluring. She was sure that her expressions mirrored his. She hesitantly took his hand, and he wasted no time in pulling her up. He slowly guided her towards the kitchen, their fingers intertwined.

Her skin tingled at his touch, and her heart pounded erratically in her chest. There were butterflies in her stomach, and she felt her heart do a quick somersault.

Jaemin's condition was no different than hers. He felt his cheeks flushed hot, and his stomach heavy. The air surrounding the two was filled with new love, and he couldn't help but feel happier.

 The air surrounding the two was filled with new love, and he couldn't help but feel happier

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I probably write a lot about smiles. Like a lot. Honestly, I do believe that a smile can make a difference, brighten up your day in fact.

And i absolutely absolutely adore Jaemin's smile. ❤️

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LITTLE ONES || NA JAEMINWhere stories live. Discover now