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"Jaemin?" Jia squeaked, her voice picking up a few pitches

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"Jaemin?" Jia squeaked, her voice picking up a few pitches. She scampered towards the slumped male near her front door and crouched down beside him. Dropping all her shopping bags onto the floor, she gently shook him in an attempt to wake him up. "Jaemin, wake up."

She glanced around, looking for the three kids. Discovering their absence from the scene, she played out that they weren't with him.

Jia brought her attention back to the male, watching his washed-out state. Painful memories from the day of their fight flashed before her eyes, and she bit her lips, sucking back the tears. Taking in a deep breath, she tried to calm her aching heart.

"Jaemin," She whispered, shaking him with a little more force. "Wake up."

Jaemin raised his head to look at her, a smile involuntarily making its way on his lips. "Jiaaaa," He slurred, hiccuping right after. "Jia..."

The harsh scent of alcohol infiltrated her senses, and Jia scrunched her nose, the cheap smell of liquor making her nauseous. She moved back, turning her head a little. "Are you drunk?"

"No...." He blurred as he leaned back, smiling cheekily at her. Patches of red wine coated his once white shirt, and his hair downright disheveled. His dilated pupils were sunken with threaded red lines. His cheeks glowed pink under the flickering light as he slurred meaningless words.

Jia felt trapped. She wanted to cater to him, to love him, to nurture him. But the harsh words he uttered the other day kept replaying in her mind in a loop, urging her to turn her back on him.

"Jaemin, you are drunk. Go home." She snared, half-glaring at the drunk male. She sent him a sharp gaze as she pushed herself up, attempting to stand up from her crouched position.

"Stay with me, please." Jaemin held her by her wrist and pulled her down beside him. His steady orbs gazed at her with anguish and despair, begging her not to leave. "Don't go."

Jia's heart clenched at his desperate stare. She wanted to act indifferent, show him that he didn't matter. But his painful imploring echoed through her mind, moving it in unfamiliar ways. "Okay," She sighed, giving in to his pleading. "Let's go inside."

Jaemin stood up with his wobbly feet as they tried to keep his balance. It felt like an out-of-body experience as if he was drifting in space. He tried to take a step with his swaying legs but failed and fell flat on his butt.

Jia sighed and snaked her arms around his torse. She hoisted him up on his feet, carrying all his body weight as he leaned on her. She lugged him into her apartment, careful not to hurt him. The two clumsily made their way up the fleet of stairs and into her room, stumbling here and there.

She made him sit on her bed, and the latter collapsed into the mattress, beginning to doze off. An exhausted sigh escaped her lips as she gazed at the drunk male, wondering what made him drink so much. "Jaemin, take off your shoes and shirt."

Jaemin groaned and forced himself to sit up. Reluctantly, he began to unbutton his shirt, revealing his defined abs.

Jia turned around to hide her pink cheeks. She awkwardly fumbled with her fingers, feeling shy all of a sudden. Her body felt like a hot oven, and all she wanted was to distract her indecent mind. But the male grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her into his arms.

"Why are you so shy, Peaches?" He whispered, brushing his lips against her ears. His raspy voice sent a shiver down her spine, and she trembled under his touch.

"Jaemin," She placed her hands on his chest and pushed him gently. "You're drunk."

Jaemin ignored her words and inclined further, sniffling the crook of her neck. "You smell good." He whispered, "So good." He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, resting his head on her shoulders. "And warm."

Jia's heart palpitated against her chest like a cheetah, and she left her guts churning with heightened adrenaline. Blush seared through her cheeks, making her look like a living tomato.

Jaemin pressed his lips against her exposed shoulder and softly bit on her skin, making an involuntary moan roll out of her lips. She nibbled on her bottom lips as she tried to remove his arms from around her waist.

"Jaemin, stop." She breathed, "You're drunk."

The drunk male pulled her closer, nuzzling into the crook of her neck. "You feel nice."

Jia shuddered at the rumble of his words against her skin, and she bit on her lips hard, trying to maintain her calm. "Jae-"

Jaemin suddenly pulled back, his expressions deep. His brown orbs stared intently at her, surveying her flushed face. His fingers trailed over her eyes, nose, lips, and finally slid down her jaw and neck, as if wanting to draw her into his mind.

He cupped her face with his hand, stroking his thumb against her cheeks. And Jia leaned into his touch, basking in the warmth of his palms. Jaemin brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and pressed a tender kiss against her forehead.

His eyes twinkled under the dim light like a lone star shining brightly amidst a starless night sky. His steady eyes gazed at her with so much love, the intensity brighter than the sun. Then he whispered, the revelation leaving her agape.

 Then he whispered, the revelation leaving her agape

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