Christmas Day (2)

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Dear Diary
Thank goodness Christmas is over! Well actually, it wasn't too bad. The day started with the cats climbing all over the presents, which is no surprise because Kermit did it last year as well.  I gave the cats what was left of the treat box I bought for them, so Aunty Melina didn't think that I forgot. This year I got some notebooks and new stationary for school. Of course it wouldn't be Christmas if I didn't get some new bows as well. My main present was a new pink dress that I've been asking for since forever. I love it so much. Oh and Aunty Melina gave me a photo of the cats to put in my room. Kermit looks extra nasty in the picture, I have to say. Now for the best part. Off Brian I got a record that the band had recorded. Now I can listen to their music whenever I want. BEST PRESENT EVER!!!!!!!! The most eventful part of the day was when Grandma Deaky demanded that we all took a Christmas family photo. So annoying!!!! They took the photo when I wasn't even ready so it didn't even look good. That was 10 minutes of my day wasted. I could have been eating food instead of being forced to hold a cat for the family photo. Anyway, I'm off to find some pink gin now.
P.S I'll try to not get drunk

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