Cat Convention

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Dear Diary

Thank god I got my diary back! I thought I had lost it forever. You'll never guess what happened. Roger thought it would be a good idea to take it, in school, when I wasn't looking, and pass it around the entire friendship group. So everyone has found out about all my feelings and secrets. How embarrassing. Might as well send my diary off to a book publishing company for the whole world to read. Jokes, I would NEVER EVER do that. I might just have to lock myself in my room forever and avoid talking to everyone at school.

Anyway, now that I have my diary back I can update it. Last weekend, Aunty Melina forced me and the family to go to a cat convention. Yes, I love cats but I'm not that interested in them. Obviously we took our cats with us, in their little travel cages. I had to carry Kermit around for the entire day. That was too much effort. This one cat, though, kept following me around. It was brown and white and would not stop giving me the evils. Cat's don't scare me but this one was just something else. I did not trust that cat.

P.s I'm so glad to be home. What a long, boring day that was! 

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