The Cat Flap

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Dear Diary
Today was a pretty average day. We didn't go out today so I had to amuse myself. I sat outside in the sun and decided to do a drawing. I tried to draw Kermit except he kept moving and I kept getting mad at him. He walked off after a while so I gave up. I noticed Aunty Melina was doing the hoovering so I had an idea for a prank. I hid in the kitchen, when she was in the living room, and waited for the right moment. I unplugged the hoover and ran outside and hid by the door. I started watching her through the cat flap on the door. She looked so confused, It was hilarious. I did it for the second time and tried to climb through the cat flap back to my hiding spot. Turns out I cannot fit through that cat flap. Let's just say it ended with Mama Brianna pulling me by my legs out of the door.
I got a letter off Brian today. He asked me if  I want to meet up with him after I've been to church on Sunday. I wrote back saying yes. He said I can go round to his, I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S  I can hear Aunty Melina calling me stupid, from downstairs

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