Rogerina's Burn Book

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Dear Diary
This is no longer 'Rogerina's Diary' , oh no, this is...ROGERINA'S BURN BOOK. In here I will be writing about people who have annoyed me and people who deserve to burn in hell! I'll still be writing about how much I love Brian though because this is my BURN BOOK and I can write about whatever I want. My new hiding space for my diary, wait no, BURN BOOK, is on top of my wardrobe. I swear to god if anyone finds it up there then their names will be going straight into my BURN BOOK.
The first person who has annoyed me this week is Grandma Deaky. Who does she think she is writing back to me in my last entry? I was definitely not flirting! And there is no chance that I'll be going to the quiz night on Thursday with her. I've invited Brian to the house that day, I'm just waiting for a reply. Also his name is Brian MAY, not Brian April. GET IT RIGHT FOR ONCE!
The second person who has annoyed me is the DJ at the club. He was the one flirting with me, I was not flirting with him. Also he kept yelling stuff and interrupting the songs. If he screams 'SHABBA' once more, I'll get Brian to backhand him. Then he'll know I have a boyfriend and he won't flirt with me ever again.
P.S Aunty Melina just posted something under my bedroom door. I think it's a letter off BriBri

 I think it's a letter off BriBri

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