Brian's Birthday

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Dear Diary

It was recently Brian's birthday and I had one of the best nights ever. The gig he invited me to was actually on his birthday so that made it even better. Before we left to go to the venue, I went to Brian's house where the band was getting ready. It was so nice seeing them all together again. Everyone was so hyped. I gave Brian his birthday present, a new guitar strap with hedgehogs on. He loved it so much, he even used it that night at the gig. Of course it had to be at the social club that Grandma Deaky takes me to sometimes. It didn't really matter because it was so much fun and luckily I didn't see the DJ that flirted with me that time. Obviously we got free drinks from Grandma Deaky's friend, who works there. We hung out backstage before it was time for their set. Roger and Freddie got a little drunk but they were still amazing. Freddie announced that It was Brian's birthday so everyone at the club sang happy birthday to him. After the show, we hung out in the games room and played some arcade games. I was against John at one point but he won, UGHHHHHH! Anyway, it was so much fun. I love hanging out with the band.

P.S It's my birthday soon and I'm so excited, you don't even know

*I know it's Roger Taylor's birthday today, I just forgot to post when it was Brian's. I will be posting Roger's birthday chapter later today*

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