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Dear Diary
UGHHH!!!! Grandma Deaky found my diary. I wasn't drunk ...I just had a little bit too much to drink. Why do my family think it's funny to reply to my diary entries?! It gets on my nerves.
New Year's resolutions! 1. Be nicer to Kermie Worm.....oh wait, I need to think of achievable ones... 2. Don't take Grandma Deaky's food....Again, unachievable. This sucks, I can't think of anything. Oh, wait ...1. Hide in the cupboard more so I can avoid responsibilities. There we go, got my first one. 2. Go on a date with Brian. Oooh, I'm getting better at this now. 3. Get spanked less. That's the lot now, can't think of anymore.
As it's a new year, I've decided to pull a few pranks on certain people (Avoiding Grandma Deaky because I know what will happen if I do). I've decided to take a few things and see if anyone notices. I've taken Aunty Melina's hoover and hid it in my wardrobe along with Mama Brianna's bunny slippers. I'll document their reactions later. Oh, and just as Mama Brianna woke up, I stole her cup of tea from her teasmade. What are the chances of me having a caffeine overdose today? Probably high because when Grandma Deaky falls asleep, she forgets about her coffee so I drink it for her. Ok, I just had the best idea. I'm gonna scare Kermit cat with the hoover. I'm gonna hide on the stairs so when Kermit decides to come up I'll turn the hoover on and he'll run for dear life away from me.
P.S  I want more Pink Gin!

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