Aunty Melina

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Dear Rogerina
It's Aunty Melina here. Guess who left their diary on their bed...yes, that's right, you did! Now I get to read all your thoughts on me, Mama Brianna, Grandma Deaky, and my special little Kermit cat. I was going to unground you when you come home from school today but I'm gonna have to expand the time you're grounded for. Kissing that Brian person at that party, hiding in the cupboard to avoid your responsibilities and leaving cat hair around the think that's going to get you ungrounded? Definitely not!
Also you're banned from petting Kermit. He doesn't like you anyway. I will be letting Mama Brianna know about all of this and I'm sure your punishment will be to do the washing up everyday for a week. Oh and I'll get Grandma Deaky to snatch those bows of yours when you're home.
P.S  I think you've learnt never to leave your diary lying around ever again, although I've had so much fun learning about your high school crush.

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