My Plan

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Dear Diary
I managed to successfully hide in the cupboard and didn't get caught by Aunty Melina. Result! I came home from school today and got another spanking off Grandma Deaky as soon as I came in through the door. I guess Mama Brianna told her about the biscuits then. I was given a list of all the chores I have to do this weekend. WHYYYYYYYY!!!????  It says that I have to look after one of Aunty Melina's cats on Saturday night. Well sorry Aunty Melina, your cat will have to look after itself because I have a party to go to. Yes, I know that I'm grounded but they can't stop me from sneaking out because they'll never know. I cannot wait! Brian is going to be there and he's bringing his friend Roger .I can't wait to meet Roger.  Apparently he's funny when he's drunk. Before I got to the party I'll have to steal some of Aunty Melina's vodka and a few cigarettes. Let's hope this goes to plan.
P.S I want to kiss Brian so bad you don't even understand

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