A day off school Part 2

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Dear Diary
I HATE BEING SICK!!!!!!!!!! The only good part is being able to sleep all day. But still, being sick isn't fun. Brian came back with Roger. Roger gave me some chocolates for when I'm better. We decided to play a game of scrabble but Kermit nasty boy decided to lie down on the board at the end so the game got ruined. Grrrrrr!  Anyway, Brian won. He's so good at that game. Before they left we listened to some of my records. Mama Brianna and Grandma Deaky went out shopping and  bought me a video tape of the movie 'Gigi'.
Tonight, when Aunty Melina came home, we all sat in the living room to watch 'Gigi'. It's one of my favourites. Again, Mama Brianna made me some tea so I drank it when we were watching the movie. Towards the end I fell asleep so Aunty Melina carried me up to my room. Then she woke me up and told me to take my medicine ...UGH!!!!
I hope I'm better in the morning because this sucks!
P.S  Kermit, get out of my room, I can see you lurking by the door

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