Sad Rogerina hours

646 45 2

Dear Diary
Well, I don't know where to start. Brian never asked me to the dance that's happening tonight. He can't even go to the dance. He told me his band has a gig that's about two hours away, in some social club . I don't even know if I want to go now. I'll ask Mama Brianna to take my dress and shoes back to the shop tomorrow morning. This really sucks. There's definitely no point in me going if Brian isn't.
To cheer me up, Rogeretta has come home for the weekend. She said she was going to take me out to the movie theatre one night. I don't know if that will take my mind off not going to the dance but I guess it'll be kinda fun. Let's hope Aunty Melina doesn't snitch on me to Rogeretta about that time I went into her room and wore her clothes when I snuck out. Brian was with us that night.....OH DAMMIT....I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM!!!!  I might just have to sit on my bed and cry for the rest of the night.
P.S  KERMIT GET OFF MY BED! How the hell did you even get in here in the first place ?!?!

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