A day off school

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Dear Diary
I'm very very sick today. I ditched school and spent all day on the sofa. Grandma Deaky and Mama Brianna looked after me. Aunty Melina was in work. I had food poisoning from Grandma Deaky's cake the other day. I ate a bit of it after it expired and it made me sick. I had fun sleeping all day, although I woke up with Kermit lying on me. Mama Brianna made me a pot of tea and I drank it whilst wrapped in a blanket and watching TV. Kermit curled up on my knee, he was surprisingly nice today. Aunty Melina called in the shop on the way home from work and brought back some medicine for me. It was disgusting! I wanted to spit it out at her.
Brian called to see me after school and gave me a get well soon card and a pink teddy bear holding a flower. That's so sweet of him. He also gave me some homework that school sent me. UGHHH!
He said that he would also come and visit me tomorrow if I'm still off school. He said he might bring Roger with him. Squeeeeeee!
P.S  I'm going back to sleep now

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