Grandma Deaky's Bingo Night

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Dear Diary
Wow, what a night that was! Grandma Deaky thought it was a good idea to drag me out to the local social club for one of her bingo nights. She always gets in for free because she knows one of the women who works there. I tried sneaking off to the games room every time Grandma Deaky asked me to get her a drink from the bar. Let's just say she wouldn't let me and kept watching me whenever I got up to go walkabouts. GOD, IT WAS SOOOO BORING!!!!!!! Grandma Deaky said if I behaved for a few minutes she would let me request a song when the DJ comes on once bingo finished. One of her friends, who works there, bought me a glass of Coke but it wasn't just Coke...It was Vodka and Coke, GET IN!!!!!!  I recognised her from church the other day. I think they call her 'Holy Mary' or something. She's really nice though, the family talks about her a lot.
Finally, Grandma Deaky let me request a song. I asked for one of the songs that Brian's band did a cover of at the dance. The DJ said my hair looked cute with the little ribbons. He was really good looking but not as gorgeous as Brian. I just can't believe Brian and I are now together. Yesterday seemed really special and I'd love to do it all over again. Maybe I could invite him over on Thursday. I'll write to him tomorrow.
P.S I NEVER want to go to bingo with Grandma Deaky ever again !!!!!!

Hello, it's Grandma Deaky here
If Vodka and Coke was what Rogerina was drinking then she's such a lightweight drinker. You could tell she was slightly tipsy after a couple of sips. Rogerina was definitely flirting with the DJ last night. I don't think that Brian April guy of hers would be very happy.
Anyway Rogerina, you can't invite Brian over on Thursday because Thursday is quiz night at the club and you're coming with me. I will be telling Aunty Melina about this flirting with the DJ business. Nobody likes a flirt, especially one with a boyfriend. Goodnight!

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