New Job

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Dear Diary
Well guess who was forced to do their first shift. Obviously me! Did I really want to do it ? Of course I didn't. I hate social clubs so much. They're full of boring people. My job for the night was collecting glasses and washing up. No different to the jobs I do at home really. I'm pretty much forced to do that most nights by Aunty Melina. At least I got to hide away in the kitchen for a good few minutes out of people's way. Now onto the worst part of the night. I was told to go and collect glasses from the tables and the DJ in the corner of the room LOOKED AT ME!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! so I did what anyone would do and hide under a table. That way he can't look at me. When will he learn that I'm with Brian and NOT HIM!!! Anyway, plot twist I heard someone yelling my name whilst I was hiding under the table and realised that it was Roger. I crawled out and went over to him. He was there with his family and he said I could sit with them outside when I finished my shift. I had to explain I was under the table for a reason so he didn't think I was a weirdo.
Well, my new job was....eventful I guess. Could have been better but also could have been worse. At least I have more money now. I'll probably have to go shopping for Christmas presents soon. I'll see if Brian can come with me.
P.S  I already bought Brian's present. He's gonna love it.

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