Naughty Rogerina

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Dear Rogerina
Tonight I will be giving you your diary back. I hope you've had time to think about what you did. All I asked you to do was to buy cat food for Jenna and Kermit when you went shopping with Brian April. I can't believe you forgot. Naughty Naughty! Kermit almost had a near death experience a few months ago and you had the audacity to not buy him any food. Anyway, me and Mama Brianna have had a lot of fun reading your past entries. Nice to hear that you're finally in a relationship.
I want you to know that although you're getting your diary back, we still expect you to feed the cats every Wednesday and Thursday. Mama Brianna didn't make that cat rota for nothing. Aunty Melina told me to tell you that on Saturday you'll be expected to give the cats a bath. If you do a good job and treat the cats nicely, we'll give you £1.50 pocket money. I hope you've learnt your lesson now. If you forget anything again your diary will be going on walkabouts and you won't be able to find it
Kind regards,
Grandma Deaky
P.S I don't appreciate the burn book section of your diary

*Today is 1 year of Rogerina's Diary. Thank you for all the support I've had with my fanfiction, it really means a lot. I appreciate all the lovely comments and messages so much. I can't wait to continue with more weird and wonderful chapters for you all* ❤️

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