Halloween & Roger Taylor

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Dear Diary
Well, Halloween was fun...NOT AT ALL!!! You think I'd be ungrounded by now, right? Well you thought wrong didn't you. I was still grounded for Halloween. UGHHH!  Mama Brianna forced me to hand out candy to anyone who came to the house. She kept telling me off for eating it. Well I'm sorry but I was hungry ok! But that wasn't the worst part. Aunty Melina made me dress in a bunny costume and tied pink ribbons in my hair. I WAS NOT A HAPPY BUNNY!  I was supposed to be going out with Brian and some of my friends for Halloween but sadly that was far from happening.
Oh and one other thing. Roger called at the house as he was looking after his younger sister whilst she went trick or treating. He thought it would be funny to take a picture of me and said that he was going to show the polaroid to Brian. Great! Brian won't ask me out now that he's probably seen the picture and he'll make fun of me. AUNTY MELINA, WHY DID YOU MAKE ME DRESS LIKE THAT !!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! (That was me screaming)
P.S I'm going to eat some lollipops that I stole from the bowl last night. You can stop me!

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