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Dear Diary
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *series of  angry noises* AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!  WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??????????? I don't even know how to feel! HOW ON EARTH-??????????????
I don't even know where to start with this. First I wanna say that I did have a fun night, but THIS!!!!  I'm stuck for words. Brian did reply to me and said he can come over but Roger was coming too because Freddie and Deaky were writing a song together so they didn't need Brian or Roger. Grandma Deaky tried to force us all to go to the quiz but in the end we made an agreement that Me, Bri and Rog could go to the games room. Grandma Deaky's friend, Holy Mary, gave us all free drinks again so it wasn't too bad. We hung out by the pool table and had a few games, which was fun. Roger had a couple of shots and got a bit drunk but he wasn't too drunk. I've seen him worse than that. I asked if Roger and Brian could stay over for the night and my family let them. We're sleeping downstairs in the living room.
Anyway, I've locked myself in the bathroom so I can write in my diary and noticed the stupid DJ, from the club, wrote me a creepy note in it. HOW DID HE FIND MY DIARY...I MEAN BURN BOOK? I did take it out with me, in my bag to keep it safe but how did he know I had it? He must have found it when I was in the bathroom because I did leave it with Bri and Rog. But why didn't Bri and Rog stop him?  I'm way too confused to even think properly. I'm telling you now,  I am NOT stepping foot into that social club ever again! Forget it!

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