The Horror Movie

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Dear Diary
Well, that was fun! What a night I had with Brian and his friend's. Grandma Deaky, Mama Brianna and Aunty Melina went out, most probably to the pub, so we had the house to ourselves for a few hours. We should never have let Freddie and Roger pick the movie because of course they had to pick a horror movie. Let's just say I won't be watching 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' again. John kept yelling at Roger because he was trying to scare us every five minutes. Although that definitely wasn't the worst part. The worst part was when we heard a loud bang upstairs. At first I thought it was the cats but then we realised that Jenna was sitting next to Freddie the whole time and Kermit was adventuring around the back garden. After debating who should go upstairs first (we all chose Roger and he wasn't happy about that) we went to see what the noise was. We found nothing in the first few rooms we looked in. Freddie joked that whoever it was could be hiding in the attic. If there was someone hiding in the attic I'd be moving out. Then we found it. Roger kicked my bedroom door open and there was Nasty Boy, Kermit. He somehow got inside without us knowing and found a way to get on top of my wardrobe and knocked my diary off the top of it. We caught him trying to rip the pages out. How on earth?!.... you know what, I'm not even going to question it because I expect nothing different from that cat. Luckily I was able to tape the pages back together so it's not too bad. Ughhhhhh! Why is it always Kermit?!
P.S  Aunty Melina said we could be going on holiday soon. I can't wait

*I know that on here it says that this is chapter 50 of  'Rogerina's Diary' However it's chapter 49. It's different from Instagram on here as one chapter was spread over 2 pages. I'll be planning something special for the next chapter (Chapter 50)*

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