The Party & Brian May

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Dear Diary
I DID IT! I managed to sneak out with Aunty Melina's vodka bottle and cigarettes. What an achievement. Nobody stopped me from going out that door. Brian was there with his Friends Roger, John and Freddie. Freddie even kissed me and said I looked cute. I got talking with Roger, who was drunk. He said I looked cute too. But the best part of the night was when we were playing truth or dare. Brian was dared to kiss the person on his right...WHO WAS ME!!!!! BRIAN MAY KISSED ME!!!!!
Anyway, I when I got home I got a spanking off Grandma Deaky for sneaking out and then I got an extra hard one off aunty Melina because I stole her vodka and cigarettes. All I said was that I went to visit my friend for a few hours. I didn't mention that it was a party. Anyway, I'm grounded for another week but it was worth it because I got to kiss Brian. Also I deffo wasn't drunk...wait....
P.S. I think I was drunk, maybe that's why I got a spanking

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