Nasty Boy Kermit

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Dear Diary
Grrrrr Aunty Melina found my diary. Goddamnit! Now I have to face the punishments: extended grounded time, having to do the washing up everyday and banned from petting kermit (well, I don't like him anyway so no big deal). Speaking of Kermit, he chewed my ballet shoe the other day so I couldn't wear them for ballet class. New ballet shoes are going to be on my christmas wish list. Kermit thinks he's so clever but really he's the dumbest cat I know. I hope he falls into the sink when I'm doing the washing up. Anyway, I'm gonna have to go on a mission. Mission 'Get Rogerina's bows back' because Grandma Deaky hid them. I might hide in the cupboard under the stairs and attack when it's convenient. I swear everyone is out to target me, even Kermit. Well, I guess I'll have to take my diary to school tomorrow so nobody else decides to read it. Cat's can't read,can they?
P.S  *launches pen off the desk and it bounces on the floor* It's called Talent, look it up!

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