The Burn Book Returns

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Dear Diary,
Welcome back to Rogerina's Burn Book. I'm bringing back the Burn Book entries because I'm so mad. 'Why are you mad?' I hear you ask. Well, two words...GRANDMA DEAKY! That's why. I went weeks without my diary as punishment and I didn't enjoy that one bit. To tell you the truth, I didn't forget the cat food, I simply didn't have enough money. All I had was my pocket money and I wasn't going to spend that on my dumb cats (I'm sorry, but not really). Hopefully Grandma Deaky won't find out the real reason.
KERMIT! The nastiest of all nasties. You're next in the Burn Book. I had to give Kermit and Jenna a bath which did not go down well. Kermit thought it was funny to escape from the bath and chase Jenna down the stairs. It ended up with me and the bathroom soaking wet in Kermit's dirty bath water. Don't ever ask me to bath the cats again. Instead of getting £1.50 , I ended up getting 50p. At least it's better than nothing.
P.S Brian is taking me to one of his gigs next weekend, with the band. I'm so excited.

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