The Biscuit Tin

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Dear Diary
I just got home from school and found out that the biscuit tin I hid under my bed was missing. Then I decided to write in my diary and found the entry from Mama Brianna. How dare she read my diary and take my biscuits away. Also, Me being friends with Brian from school has nothing to do with her.  Anyway, I'm hiding upstairs in my room as I'm trying to avoid doing chores. I can hear Aunty Melina with the hoover outside my room. I might hide in the cupboard so I don't get dragged downstairs and made to do the washing up. Being grounded sucks! I told my friends in school that I'm grounded and they gave me the idea of one day sneaking out. Hang on...I can hear Aunty Melina getting closer. Right, cupboard time. Will write again when it's time to come out.
P.S It's hot in here so if I'm found dead inside this cupboard you'll know why

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