My diary got ruined

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Dear Diary
You may be wondering why I haven't written an entry for a very long time. You want to know what happened? I'll tell you what happened. I came home from school with an exciting story to write but when I went to my room there was no sign of my diary. Don't ask me what the story was because I can't remember. I thought Aunty Melina or Grandma Deaky took it again but I was completely wrong. I looked everywhere in the living room...still no sign of it. I snuck into Mama Brianna's room...not there either. Then I looked in the kitchen. I don't even want to say what happened next. There my diary was, in Kermit's litter tray by the back door!!!!!!!!! KERMIT, YOU NASTY BOY!!!!!!! I managed to save some pages but some of my recent entries were completely destroyed and ripped up. NAUGHTY!!!!! Kermit, that was not for you! Anyway, I have a new diary now. Aunty Melina surprisingly told Kermit off for that. She never yells at Kermit and she never takes my side.
Oh I remember the story now. Roger moved into the science class that me and Bri are in and we almost got sent out for laughing too much. I mean, the best part of science is getting thrown out of the lesson, right?
P.S I have a feeling Brian is going to ask me to the dance soon

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