Homework Strike

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Dear Diary
Well, that's the christmas break over. Sadly. It was back to school today, great! NOT AT ALL! The only good thing was seeing Brian. The last time I saw him, we kissed and I went into another dimension.
Update from the last entry I wrote- Nobody found my pranks amusing and they were ruined within a few hours. The Kermit prank backfired as he tried to jump at me and he ended up chasing me down the stairs whilst making angry cat noises. Someone call an exorcist, the cat is possessed. Also, I avoided my responsibility of doing homework. This year, I've decided to play a little game. It's called 'Do I start doing homework now or can I get away with not doing it for a little bit longer?'. So far it's going great. This is how you play it- Get home from school. If someone asks you if you have homework say 'No' (even if you do) so then you can sit and relax without getting nagged at to do homework. Simple!  But then do it at some point so you don't get a spanking lololol.
Oh, I forgot to mention, Aunty Melina decided it would be a good idea to attack my eyebrows with the tweezers. She said they would look better if she shaped them for me. It hurt worse than a Kermit scratch. Believe me, kermit scratches hurt. Devil Cat!
P.S I'm very tired so I'm going to bed.  I have a really bad headache. Also, I went to steal a piece of Grandma Deaky's cake she bought from the shop and it tasted weird so I binned it

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