Mother's Day

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Dear Diary
Well, it's one of those days. It's that one day of the year when I have to be nice to Mama Brianna because it's Mother's Day. The other day I went to the shops with Brian so we could go Mother's Day  shopping. I got some flowers for Mama Brianna and some cake ingredients because me and Grandma Deaky are going to make a cake. All my pocket money is gone now. Great! (Not at all). I would have bought myself sweets but Aunty Melina said I've had way too much sugar recently.
This morning I woke up early so I could put the flowers in a nice vase and put them on the table next to the cake. Did that go to plan? Not it didn't because when I wasn't looking, stupid Kermit cat jumped on the counter and knocked the vase off. Obviously the noise woke up the whole household. Kermit, that's so nasty!  I think the cake and flowers distracted Mama Brianna from being mad at me ALTHOUGH IT WAS KERMIT'S FAULT!!!!!!!!!!  Aunty Melina took us all out to a fancy restaurant. The best part was the ice cream. Finally, I was allowed something with sugar in.
P.S I hope to meet up with BriBri again very soon.

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