New Year's Eve

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Dear Diary
Well, this is the first time I've written an entry this year. Gosh, I have so much stuff to share with you. You know that cake Grandma Deaky was going to make? Well, that cake is no more. Our dumb cat that goes by the name of Kermit decided to jump on the table and lay on top of the new years eve cake. Then he got covered in freaking icing sugar and jam and then got the crumbs stuck in his fur. Of course I was the one who had to wash off all that nasty. UGHHH! Instead of washing up the pots, I had to wash up the Kermit. Did I use washing up liquid instead of cat soap?...hmmmm ...yeah...personally I don't see a difference.
I was forced to stay in and watch the new year on the telly. Aunty Melina was so drunk, Big Ben pretty much counted her out. At around 12:15 in the morning there was a knock on the door. It was a little strange because we never really get visitors around that time. We were all still up so Mama Brianna went to answer the door. After a few seconds she called me over. There, stood in front of me was Brian May. He wished me happy new year and without warning he pulled me closer and...SNOGGED ME!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!! It was like Christmas all over again. I couldn't contain myself. I squealed and screamed 'I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BRIAN'. He's the sweetest person In the world. Then I heard Aunty Melina shout for us to get a room. Anyway, Brian left and I was on a hype. BRIAN MAY LOVES MEEEEEE!!!!
P.S Happy New Year to me!

Hello, It's Grandma Deaky here
Rogerina forgot to mention that she was a little bit tipsy on the Pink Gin last night. Can somebody tell her that nobody likes an alcoholic. However it was new years eve so we let her off. If she gets drunk again, I will be giving her a good spanking (She won't see it coming)

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