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Dear Diary
Grandma Deaky has gone and done it again. I swear she's trying to make my life worse. She's only gone and got me a job at the social club down the road. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! WHYYYYYYY!!!!!! I couldn't think of any place worse than that. I don't know why she thinks it's a good idea. My first shift is tomorrow night, which I am NOT excited for. I've avoided that place for such a long time now. Whenever I go there something bad always happens. I hope nobody starts flirting with me (again). Maybe one day when I'm working there, Brian will come with his band and make my shift ten times better. Maybe before then I can do something so bad that I'll be fired and never have to work there ever again. Now that's an idea. UGHHH! I really don't wanna go. Can't I come up with an excuse like 'My cat is sick' or 'I'm being forced to do house chores'. Hmmm, that probably won't work. I GIVE UP! Looks like I'll have to brave it and go. I swear if I don't get paid for this I will riot.
P.S  I'm just gonna hide in the cupboard so I don't have to go

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