I love you, Bri

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Dear Diary
Tonight was absolutely crazy! I just finished crying on my bed and decided to go down and see if I could steal any of Grandma Deaky's biscuits and the doorbell rang. I went to answer it and I almost died. It was Brian. He came to tell me his gig got cancelled last minute and so they decided to play at the school dance. He asked me to go to the dance with him. He said the band were on their way in the van so they came to pick me up. AHHHHHHHH!! Brian and his band mates sat downstairs with Mama Brianna, Grandma Deaky and Aunty Melina whilst Rogeretta helped me get ready. After I got ready I went down and Aunty Melina took a picture of me with Brian and the rest of his band. Roger's in it too and so is Freddie and their friend John. Brian said I looked stunning. Squeeeeeeee! Everyone came out to wave me off to the dance, even Kermit (nasty boy).
The dance was amazing. I sat by the stage whilst Brian and his band played a few songs. We then went to hang out and have a few drinks in the back of the van. I had such a great time. Roger got really drunk, we thought he was going to pass out. Freddie caught me and Brian snogging by the back door of the dance hall, but we didn't care. We're definitely more than just friends now. I love him so much.
P.S  I may have got a little drunk

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