A plan that could possibly get me grounded ( 1/2 of chapter 50)

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Dear Diary

This could get me into a lot of trouble...but it'll be worth it. It's Brian's birthday today but Aunty Melina won't let me go to his party. Do you want to know why? Because it's 'chores day'. Have I planned a way to sneak out of the house, this afternoon, so I can go to the party? Too right I have. I told Aunty Melina that I'm doing a school project over the summer, with Freddie and Roger, so we're meeting at Freddie's house to start it. Nobody said no to letting me do that. So the plan is, Freddie is going to come to the house at 2 o'clock, we will then walk to the corner of the street and Roger will pick us up and take us to Brian's house. I seriously hope it goes to plan. Nobody better snitch on me, I swear! So the next time you hear from me I'll either be safe or grounded for god knows how long.

P.S If you don't hear from me please send help to 1234IWantToBreakFreeStreet , Thank You!

*Wow, this is chapter 50 (1/2) of Rogerina's Diary (this chapter will be in two parts btw).  I have a lot of Rogerina's Diary content planned for my instagram so make sure to follow me (@ Roger.Taylor_Queen) if you haven't already. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported this story. It really does mean a lot*

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