The unexpected

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Dear Diary
Well, hasn't life been crazy. You know when the unexpected happens and you're just like...'wow'....yeah, that's life at the moment. This morning we were all downstairs and I was lying in front of the TV, on the floor, petting Jenna the new cat. We heard someone knock the door and Grandma Deaky made me go and answer it. It's always 'Rogerina do this' and 'Rogerina do that' and it really makes me mad. Anyway I went to answer the door and it was Brian. I noticed he was holding a blanket in his arms and when he held it out to me I noticed that little Kermie Cat was wrapped up in it. KERMIT WAS FINALLY HOME!!!! I invited Brian in and I sat down and placed Kermit on my knee. Brian said that he found him at the bottom of his garden this morning and knew who it was straight away. Aunty Melina was so happy that Kermit was safe and so was I if i'm being honest. Mama Brianna suggested that we take him to the vets just in case he managed to get injured whilst he was missing. That's our job for tomorrow. Kermit looked very tired so I put him in his cat bed and Jenna curled up next to him. Kermit seemed to get on very well with Jenna. Jenna was looking after him and wouldn't leave his side. I'm so glad Kermie is home.
P.S Thank You BriBri for finding him.

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