Family Photo

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Dear Diary
I've had it with this cat! Kermit made me get shouted at by Grandma Deaky and yes there was a spanking involved. I HAVE PICTURE EVIDENCE. Aunty Melina wanted to take a family photo and whilst I was being forced to sit and smile on the sofa, naughty Kermit snuck into my room. I'm not allowed pets in my room.
Now that Aunty Melina has a camera, she keeps going around the house taking pictures, mostly of the cats, but she took a picture of me washing up. Grrrr. And she took a picture of my doing homework. Anyway, I splashed her with the washing up brush. TAKE THAT AUNTY MELINA!
She wasn't happy and  as punishment, I had to brush Kermit's fur for him. UGHHH! That cat is my worst enemy. Please save me from this tragic household. I'm so tempted to leave cat fur balls around the house to annoy everyone. I wasn't lying when I said Kermit cat is the spawn of satan. He tried to bite me multiple times so I gave up and locked him in his cat cage. Mama Brianna told me off.
P.S Here are the pictures that Aunty Melina took of me. Guess who's going to rip them up and throw them in the bin.

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