We got a new cat

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Dear Diary
Today we took a trip to the pet store to see if we could get a new cat. Kermit still hasn't come back so we're guessing that's it now. I know I hated him but I miss him so much. Life has been...boring I guess, without Kermit. We managed to find a little ginger kitten and Aunty Melina let me name her. I've decided to call her Jenna. She is so adorable. I bought her a little pink collar with diamonds on and a white fluffy cat bed. Jenna has settled in already. She curled up on my knee whilst Grandma Deaky and I watched TV this evening. Mama Brianna has made a new cat feeding rota  and we've decided not to let her out of the house until we think she's ready. I don't want her running off like Kermit did. I also made her a little bed that she can sleep on when she's hanging out in my room. I used a few of Kermit's old blankets that he used to sleep on sometimes.
I almost forgot to mention that Brian has made 'Missing Cat' posters for Kermit just in case he's still out there somewhere. That's so thoughtful of him but it has been days now so it's very likely that he won't be returning. To be honest, we are all heartbroken but at least we have little Jenna with us. We're gonna go on a long, long life journey together.
P.S  Kermit, if you are out there, I just hope that you are safe and I want to tell you that I love you.

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