Kermit's Birthday

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Dear Diary
Kermit was checked in the vets, a few days ago, and he's perfectly fine. No injuries or illnesses, thank god. Yesterday was actually Kermie's birthday so we decided to take him to the pet shop with us. Aunty Melina let me carry him around the shop. We decided to buy him a new scratching post that's big enough for him and Jenna to play on. Aunty Melina also got a tin of weird cat food that she said is Kermit's birthday cake. Not long after we got home, Aunty Melina decided to put a candle in the cat food and made us all sing happy birthday to Kermit. We also let Jenna have some of the cat cake because she was good whilst we were out. Because I can now be trusted with the cats in my bedroom, we moved the old cat scratching posting into my room. Kermit and Jenna can play on it when they're allowed in. Today, I also got a letter off Brian inviting me to hang out with him and the band when they do their next gig. Of course I said yes. It's two weeks away but I'm so excited.
P.S The cats are annoying me already with that post

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