It was Roger....

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Dear Diary
OH I SHOULD HAVE KNOW! Why was I so stupid ? Of course the DJ didn't find my diary and it was just Roger messing around with it when I went to the bathroom. Roger admitted that the diary entry was all a joke. Why on earth did I fall for it? Well, at least I know I'm safe from the DJ at the club. Ugh, Roger why did you have to annoy me like that?! I'LL BOWL YOU UNDER THE TABLE NEXT TIME I SEE YOU!!!!!
Sad news. Kermit has gone missing. We haven't seen him for a few days now and Mama Brianna said that she doesn't think he'll come back because he doesn't know his way around the village. She thinks he might have escaped in the night at some point. Aunty Melina told me that we could get a new cat if Kermit doesn't come back within the next two days. Maybe we could get a cat that's much nicer and actually likes me. I do miss Kermie though. I miss him scratching at my door in the mornings before school. He's like my alarm. I hope he's ok out there.
P.S I found one of his cat toys in my room before. I miss him even more.

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