Christmas Day

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Dear Diary
Merry Christmas! This year was...interesting. My family liked their presents, however, Kermit cat was the most ungrateful  little noodle. I gave him his present and then he scratched my leg and tried to climb over all my presents. I know what he's getting by the end of the day, an award for the most annoying cat at Christmas. For Christmas I got a new school tie, some yellow bows, a small box of chocolates, body lotion, a set of pens and a fancy gold mirror. Not what I asked for but I guess it's better than nothing.
Aunty Melina said I could have tried harder with Kermit's present. Ugh, why does she treat the cat like he's more important than me? Sadly Kermit didn't get killed by the Christmas tree but there is still time. We haven't taken the tree down yet.
The best Christmas present I got was from Brian. Before Christmas dinner, Brian came to the house to give me my present. My present was...BALLET SHOES! Brian must have found out when he read my diary. That's so sweet of him. He told me he loved the present I gave him. Well, it's fair to say my Christmas got better. Also I love Brian even more now.
P.S  Kermit, keep your paws off my ballet shoes or I'm locking you outside in the cold

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