Chapter 20 - Time Slip

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This chapter is dedicated to sweety0berries!

Happy reading!


Mi Ho pov:

Its been a month since we moved to the Hidden leaf village. Things have been going rather smoothly for both the Senjus and the Uchihas. There aren’t any wars anymore and the peace that both sides had wished to see had been achieved to some extent.

Hashirama and Madara get along now. Well, I just see the surface because its been ages since Madara even looked my way. He hasn’t spoken to me even once since we came to this village and I have to say, I miss his company. I mean, I spend a lot of time with Tobirama and Hashirama and I even visit Mito san, but things were very different with Madara….and I miss it.

I have been looking forward to seeing Hashirama’s first child. Mito san is in her 8th month and everyone is excited to see the child.

Besides that, many other clans have been forming an alliance with Konoha and they have moved into the compound. Its good because it strengthens the military force and the status of the village. After much debate, Hashirama became the leader of the village and they gave him the title ‘Hokage’. Hashirama wanted Madara to become the Hokage but there were many people who opted for Hashirama over Madara.

In some ways, I could understand I guess. Most of the people who moved in here didn’t really like the Uchiha clan. The Uchihas had initially fought for their glory and in some ways put down the reputation of the other clans. And even now, even though the Senjus had signed a peace treaty with them, they were still wary. The Uchihas had a slightly secluded compound where they lived and were sort of cut off from the rest of the village.

Hashirama did give them a very highly respected role of protecting Konoha as its official police force, but the Uchihas still felt the slight isolation they had been given. It was rare to see other people talk freely with the Uchihas and I could also tell that they felt the ‘cast-away’ attitude they received.

Madara was particularly feared by lots of people, especially children. But there were noticeable changes in the clan as well. More women stood up to fight as well. They too awakened the sharingan and they were accepted into the military force to protect the village. Madara wasn’t very much for the idea of women working that way, but Hashirama was quite positive about the response and he accepted them whole heartedly.

I spent a lot of time with Tobirama. He was just as friendly as before but so was his distaste towards the Uchihas. He was particularly against Madara, especially since he had sealed off one of my abilities. It was also partially his idea to isolate them to a separate compound instead of being in the center of the village. And when I caught Madara watching me, which was very very rare, it was when I was with Tobirama. And his gaze would always be a mixture of anger and disapproval.

Tobirama has been a little more forward towards me lately. He usually shows his forwardness in front of Madara by holding me to his side with an arm around my shoulder or sticking a flower in my hair and so on. And its definitely not helped the already bitter mood that Madara has been in.

I have come to notice that Madara has become a lot grumpier than before. There was one time when I had wanted to talk to him because I thought that we were starting to drift apart too much. So I had gone to the Uchiha compound. But when I had gone there, he was meeting with someone from the Hidden stone village. He was in a very bad mood and even went to the extent of telling the person to never mention Hashirama’s name in front of him.

After that, I didn’t get the courage to meet him.

There were also several times I had seen him standing by himself and looking over the village from the cliff. It was one of my favorite spots too and I usually practiced my dances under the shade of the trees. So whenever he came up to the cliff, I was able to tell. Well, Tobirama had taught me how to sense other people’s chakras and even hide my chakra almost to zero, so whenever I felt Madara’s chakra, I would immediately hide mine. Its not that I was scared or anything…..well, maybe a little. I didn’t know how to face him.

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