Chapter 34 - Unending cycle

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Mio pov:

Ryoshi and I sat in the living room on the couch together lost in thought. The shocking news of the war that he had given me was yet to be digested in my system.

The news about what Madara was trying to do, the number of people he had killed, forgetting the peace of the world for something as selfish as ruling the world....somehow I was hoping that all of this was just a bad dream. He might have been a bit over ambitious, but from what I was hearing, he seemed even merciless and monstrous than he was when he massacred the Uzumaki clan a hundred years ago!

My head was starting to hurt with all the thinking. I leaned forward on my knees holding one hand on my forehead. Shaking my head once, I got up. "Ryoshi? Do you want some coffee? Honestly with all this stress, everything is so exhausting." I mumbled with a sigh.

"Yeah....I guess I'll have some too." I nodded with a smile and headed to the kitchen to get some coffee for the both of us. As I stood in front of the bowl in which I had kept the coffee to heat, I got lost in though again.

Madara.....Madara.....Madara.....what was I supposed to do to stop him? I had tried to explain things so many times to him, yelling at him, telling him else was I going to get him to understand that he wasn't going to get anything by fighting and aiming for something like ruler of the world?

I loved him. I loved him a lot. I cant lie about this one fact. If I did, I would just be lying to myself. I loved everything about him; his handsome face, his physique, his warm chest, the gentleness in his eyes that I saw when he looked at me despite that cold facade, his strong and almost crushing embrace, his intoxicating scent, his soft lips pushed up against mine, just him.....I even went to the extent of remembering how he had kissed when I was almost naked. I couldn't resist him.

Me just in a towel with him crushing me to his chest, his arms just a fabric lengths away from touching my bare skin. Just thinking about it made the hair on the back of my neck stand in both fear and light-headedness.

I sighed, turning off the stove and pouring the hot coffee into two cups. I walked back to the living room and handed the cup of coffee to Ryoshi as I sat down next to him. I took a sip from my cup and sighed. The heat of the liquid soothed my dry throat. The caffeine had already started to kick in after the first few steps easing the throbbing of my head.

Thankfully, Ryoshi and I didn't have anything to talk about during our coffee. Both of us were in too much of a shock from the news we had received just a little while ago. Hey, anyone would be especially if it concerned the very existence of the world.

After I was done with my coffee, I stood up. "Ryoshi? I'm just going to go out for a stroll....some fresh air will really help me clear my thoughts." Ryoshi just nodded, probably still too worried to say anything. I nodded back, picked up my light sweater, my book and some money before heading out.

I had started to learn healing jutsus since about a month. Oppa had thought that it might be a good idea because it was something that was very important during times of war. I took it up on a whim, learning from Ryoshi himself since he was pretty good at healing jutsu. But the surprise was, I was an excellent healer.

I picked up on herbs and human anatomy really easily. My chakra control was really good and my healing was really quick. I had helped some ninjas passing through the village and they had thanked me with so much money and clothes and groceries. Apparently, none of the doctors they had seen had been able to heal their injuries. It was so bad that some of their limbs were non functional. I had been able to pin point the chakra points that were being blocked off and small misplacement of bones and muscles that were causing the problem. I had healed them back to their 100% original capabilities.

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