Chapter 26 - Plans and goals

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Mi Ho pov:

I walked between Itachi and Kisame with a constant scowl. I was pretty pissed off and I was already making a mental list of all the questions I was going to bombard him with. I wasn't going to let him go until I got all the answers I wanted!

But besides the irritation I had, I was also somewhat....excited. To get a chance to see him again was really a miracle I suppose. I mean, it had been more than a hundred years since he had actually been in his twenties in this world. And adding up the time travel and the time I had been in the future, I hadn't seen him in almost three months! The thought of being able to inhale his heady scent, feel his hard kiss against my lips, our bodies literally crushed against each involuntary shiver went up my spine as goosebumps erupted on my body. I was glad that I was wearing the full arm shrug. It would have been embarrassing if Itachi or Kisame saw my bumpy skin. Then again, they'd probably assume that I was just feeling cold....after all I was wearing a rather thin shirt and a pair of short as a night dress.

Although, one thing I was hoping for was, I hope Madara wasn't all old and wrinkly. It would be so weird to kiss an old man....

I sighed to myself, shaking my head at the silly thoughts. Now I was starting to feel cold too. Just think about it, I was wearing night shorts, my legs completely exposed to the biting cold of the night and my flip flops were making silent squashy noises in the moist mud. It had drizzled earlier this evening making the mud wet and pasty. My flip flops were literally sticking to the ground and made a slapping sound everytime I lifted my foot. Man, was I a sight to see....

We finally made it a good distance away from the village and we stopped at a huge boulder. I looked up, around us and back ar the boulder. "Um, you said you were taking me to your hideout, right?" I clarified with Itachi. He didn't say anything as he held up his hand in a hand sign. "Kai! [release!]" The minute he said that, the ground shook as the boulder moved out of the way. A dark passage was visible and I looked into the tunnel warily.

"Uh....we have to go in there?" I mumbled out and Kisame chuckled. "Oh, all the big talk and now you're scared?" I glanced sideways at him with a glare. "I'm not scared of the dark, okay? Jeez....lets just go." I began to walk in and Itachi and Kisame followed. After a few minutes of walking, I let them lead the way because I had absolutely no idea where I was going.

We made it to a door; and I have to say I was surprised that they had carved out the cave to some extent and actually made rooms with doors here. Itachi knocked and we heard a deep voice from inside. "Come in." Itachi opened the door and I followed him inside. Kisame was left outside and once we entered, Itachi closed the door behind him and locked it.

There were three people there, all their attention coming to me as I stepped into the room. There were two men and one woman. One of the guy's had spiky orange hair, purple ringed eyes which I remember reading about. I think they're called rinnegan or something....and he also had multiple piercings on his face. The other guy had short black hair, a rather funny looking orange swirly mask with a hole only for his right eye. The woman was elegant with lavender hair and soft looking golden eyes. She looked calm and gentle unlike the stern and overpowering vibe I got from the other two.

"Itachi, you may leave." The one with the rinnegan said and my escort left me alone with these three people. I crossed my arms, taking a dominant and annoyed stance as I watched them. "Well, I'm here. So explain." I said and the two people whose faces I could see, narrowed their eyes at me. "Jung Mio, correct?" The woman asked making me roll my eyes. "Well duh! Who else did you expect? Captain Jack Sparrow?" I asked, sarcasm lacing my voice.

"And its Jung Mi Ho. Honestly, cant you guys even get my name right?" I shook my head with a huff. "It doesn't matter at the moment. The main thing is that you are back in my hands." This time swirly face spoke. I blinked and then frowned. He sounded just like Madara....but Madara was about two inches taller than this guy and his chakra was slightly different too. Then again it had been hundred years and things would have changed. I mean, he even had lower chakra than I remember....oh well....wait....he didn't have long hair anymore! That meant I couldn't tie him up for my interrogation!

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