Chapter 28 - Madara

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Mi Ho pov:

I sighed for the millionth time. Why did it have to always be the middle of the night? Losing sleep, walking around in my night clothes through the squishy mud and the biting cold.

Yeah, the weather had gotten cold lately. It was the onset of winter; cool breezes and an overall chill was constantly in the air. I had to stay in my nightclothes, unfortunately shorts. I was wearing a shrug that wasn't enough against this cold. I wasn't sure of what time I would get back to the village because of this uncalled for meeting. If Ryoshi found me in clothes other than my night clothes, he would obviously find it fishy. So right now, I was pretty much freezing as I walked through the forest.

Unlike last time, I didn't have an escort. I was worried that I would lose my way in the darkness of the forest. I stayed on the worn down path that winded through the forest, occasionally tripping over loose rocks and tree roots because it was too dark to see them. I cant even count the number of times I cursed at my situation. My feet were probably badly scratched and I was starting to find it hard to walk now. Maybe I should have got a torch or something....

Wait, where am I supposed get a torch from to begin with?

I sighed, slowing down my pace to save myself from further injury to my poor feet. It took me another ten minutes to get to the persimmon tree where I was asked to come. When I was some distance away, I looked up and stopped walking. My heart seemed to skip a beat and I felt a tightness in my chest.

There, leaning against the persimmon tree was Madara. Clad in red armor that I remember always seeing him in, he had his eyes closed and his arms crossed on his chest. Obito was standing with him and he watched me carefully as I walked closer to them. When I was barely a few feet from them, Madara opened his eyes to look at me. I felt uncomfortable seeing his eyes though. They weren't normal like other people.....the portion that was supposed to be white was black and the contrast of his sharingan with the black wasn't very comfortable to look at. Oddly, his skin was kinda cracked he was a clay sculpture made badly.

Besides, I could tell that he was much much stronger than he was before. He was taller too, he had grown at least another three inches and I felt really short in front of him. "Mio." I jumped, slightly startled when he called my name in the dead silence. It had been a really long time since I had heard his voice and it felt....strange.

He narrowed his eyes at the way I reacted to him. He pushed off the tree and walked to stand barely a foot from me. He was so close, I could feel the heat from his body and I shivered suddenly feeling the cool breeze around me. I wrapped my arms around myself and then glared at him. Okay, I was done being surprised by him popping up with this appearance, but now it was time for some questions and answers.

"So you finally decided to appear?" I asked coolly and he frowned. "You still haven't changed the way you talk to people, I see. I saw the way you greeted all the Akatsuki members and your reaction to Hidan's insults were rather amusing. Obito tells me he's been pissed ever since, having a b**** call him a b****." Madara was smirking now and my eyebrow twitched. "Don't you dare call me that unless you want me to make a snide remark to you like I did to Hidan." Madara lost his smile at that. He sighed. "The same loud mouth." He muttered and that hit a nerve.

I stepped back a bit and he watched me curiously. I just had to get it out my system and I fisted my right hand and punched his face upwards as hard as I could. It didn't seem to affect him much because his face was just turned up and he hadn't budged even a bit. He raised a brow as he watched me amused. I clenched my jaw hard, pressing my lips together as I scrunched my face up. My hand trembled as it stayed in contact with his jaw.

I pulled my hand away, jumping in place and waving my hand fast as I could. My knuckles hurt like crazy at the damaging contact I had intended to makes with his oh-so-pretty face. "JEEZ!!! What the heck is your face made of?!! Stone??!!" I yelled at Madara who was now watching me with a smirk of amusement. Obito looked like he didn't know how to react to the situation but he didn't seem too happy about what I did just now.

Gentle Turbulence - Uchiha Madara Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now