Chapter 16 - Violence

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This chapter is dedicated to Ketellia!

Happy reading!


Mi Ho pov:

I don't know how long I sat outside Izuna's room. It was dark now so I could tell that I had been here for quite some time. It was probably midnight.....

I had been worrying quite a bit but after a while, it made me tired. So now I just sat blankly as I watched the stars and the garden. It had become cold and I had asked my guards to get me a blanket. I wrapped the blanket tighter around myself and blew hot air into my palms in an attempt to get warmer. I sighed and sunk half my face into the blanket. I closed my eyes and curled up even more that I was to keep the heat from leaving my body.

A few minutes passed and I was almost asleep. But I shot my eyes open and looked to the side when the door was slid open. Madara stepped out and I stood up. I wobbled as the sleep hadn't left my eyes and the world suddenly spun. But I blinked several times to wake up fully. My heart skipped a beat at the emotionless look on his face. But he didn't say a word and he sat down in the hallway with his legs folded. He watched the garden silently.

I didn't know what to do or say. I shivered as a cool breeze went through the hallway and I clenched my jaw to not make a sound. But Madara didn't move after that and I slowly sat down next to him while dangling my legs off the corridor. I hesitantly glanced at him, getting a very dark and negative vibe. I flinched when I noticed his sharingan glowing. He was staring ahead with a hard look and I looked down at the grass. He looked.....scary....and this was the first time I had got this kind of discomfort in his presence.

I couldn't stay quiet. It was making me really nervous. "H-how is I -Izuna?" I managed to stutter out. I didn't get an answer and I looked at him. I stiffened when I saw him watching me. His sharingan wasn't activated anymore and I couldn't tell what he was thinking right now. I couldn't find my voice to say anything either.

But my eyes went wide and I gasped as I was pulled forward into a strong embrace. Heat rushed to my cheeks and my heart pounded as he wrapped his arms around me and pressed me against himself. He rested his chin on my shoulder and after that he didn't move. I was frozen and I noticed that my guards bowed and walked away silently. I was so shocked that I couldn't react to anything that was happening right now.

But I snapped out of shock and held his sides as I tried to get him off me. What was he doing at a time like this?? When Izuna was hurt, what was he planning by holding me like this?!

He only tightened his grip as I struggled and I got his drugging scent again. My heart pounded harder and I struggled more. "He's dead." I froze when Madara spoke. My heart skipped a beat and glanced at him sideways. "W-what?" I asked in shock. "Those b****** Tobirama killed Izuna. He's dead." I couldn't breathe. My eyes were wide and I had a hollow feeling in my chest reflecting my sadness and fear.

My eyes stung and I bit my lip. Izuna was....dead? Madara had reacted so rashly earlier today....does that mean he knew this was going to happen? I mean, even the healer didn't answer my question when I asked about Izuna. So they knew about it?

"I was too the time I had brought him back....he was already past the critical stage. All the healer could do was wrap his wounds and wait until he had his last breath. And now....I will destroy the Senju to avenge him." Madara said in a low voice and pressed me harder against him. "I-I'm....sorry." I managed to say even though his grip was too tight and he was crushing me. I let go of his sides and wrapped my arms around his back. I had already decided that I would reassure him and just be there if he needed someone to be with him. Even though we had our differences when we first met, I had become friends with him and all I could offer him was the embrace that I could return.

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