Chapter 12 - Sealed off

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Mi Ho pov:

I hummed out a song softly as I dusted the study room. It had been two days since the dance recording and my mood had gotten slightly better in these two days.

Madara has been acting different. He pretty much ignored me when he walks past me in the hallways and the number of times I argued with him during the day had considerably dropped. Well, it's not like he was too different because he still managed to make me work on my chores harder than necessary. You know, walking around with muddy shoes when I had just finished mopping the floor, have the women dump more vessels for me to wash when I thought I was finally done....and that totally pissed me off.

But I couldn't complain. After all, he had made sure that I had agreed to his conditions of not complaining about the chores if I wanted to continue dancing. Jeez he was so annoying!

And since I was always re-doing my chores, I barely had time to practice dance for the next recording. The next recording was to be held in three days, and I barely had any time to practice! I was starting to get tensed that I'd mess up and my eonnis would yell at me for slacking off. I mean, the only time I got to try and practice was when I was in the bathroom and when I took a shower. But even there I wasn't able to practice properly because I was worried I would slip and fall on the wet floor.

I couldn't practice in the night either. By the time I was done with my chores, I was pretty much exhausted and I barely had any energy to even remember the dance moves, let alone practice them. Besides, I slept in a room where there were 20 of us girls squished together. I didn't have place to even roll around in my mattress. And the worst part was that I was stuck sleeping next to the girl who had confessed that she was in love with Madara. If my memory serves right, I think her name is Aimi.

I heaved a sigh as I opened the tap and washed the soap off the dishes. Yeah, I had switched to my next chore. This life was so monotonous and tiring. How long were they going to make mw work anyway? I was letting them use my ability so I should be given the royal treatment. Not worked like crazy like some sort of maid....

Besides, Madara had said that I would get fat if i didn't do chores. What did he know? I was very strict with my diet and my workout routine. Which is why I seemed to lost a bit of my flexibility and put on a little bit if weight from doing just chores and not doing my usual cardio and strength training. If he had five seconds of patience to just shut that big ego of his and just listen to me! Jeez....what's the point though. He was just a bit too prideful to give anyone a second thought anyway.

Although, the only person I had seen him be nice to was Izuna. Well, Izuna is his younger brother. He always listened to Izuna and they had that deeply connected sibling bond. It was nice to see them like that. I could understand why Izuna was so important to Madara. I had heard that Madara was the eldest of five sons to Tajima san and three of them had died in the war against the Senjus.

Then again, it was the same case with Hashirama and Tobirama. But the way I was treated back with the Senjus and here had a huge gap. I suppose its difficult to judge people. After all, their ideologies, their personalities and the they they grew up molded them to the person they are today.

Madara and Hashirama had been friends when they were younger. After their parents caught them secretly meeting up to train, they never saw each other again. Hashirama was a kind person to begin with and Tobirama was strict. But when they were talking to someone they knew and someone they had accepted as a part of their clan, they were very kind. The Uchihas on the other hand, had their own way of treating people.

From the time I had been here, I understood that they were very territorial, and barely put down their guard. They were like a pack of wolves. Madara was the alpha and Izuna was the second in command. Everybody else followed them with no doubt or hesitation and no one challenged Madara knowing that he was the strongest. And even though they looked pretty heartless and like a bunch of jerks on the outside, they had a very unique sense of affection and trust towards each other.

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