Madara X Mio - The Afterstory

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Well, I got quite a few requests to write a little about Mio's and Madara's baby....a simple idea flashed in my mind and so I thought I shouldn't leave my readers unsatisfied.

Hope you all enjoy this part too!


Mio pov:

Its been two years since I was married to Madara. Two years since everything has settled down between the Uchiha clan and Konoha. Just as I had hoped, the Uchiha clan had been accepted and the whole compound was shifted more to the interior of the village.

The Uchiha clan is the main police force of Konoha and are responsible for managing recruitment for all of the protection squads. Madara has been quite content with the new lifestyle as well and there have been many alliance treaties signed with other villages surrounding Konoha. Of course, the treaty is signed only if both the Uchiha and Senju clan see it as a good both Hashirama and Madara have to be the ones to sign the documents.

Besides improvements with the village and the Uchiha clan, things have been very pleasant between Madara and I. Over the two years, he's learnt to relax around me. He still hesitates from showing any sort of weakness in front of me. Well, that's the kind of person he is....he doesn't like to seem any weaker than what he portrays himself to be. I have accepted that flaw in him because no matter how much he tries to act, I'm the one person who can see through his facade.

Whether it be anger, irritation, happiness, pain, tiredness....I can tell what he's feeling with just one glance. The good thing about it though, is that he accepts my gestures when I try to help him out. It can be anything - from just sitting with him holding his hand as I trace my fingers on the lines on his palm to hugging him to my chest and letting him stay wrapped up like that until he feels better.

He still doesn't want to show weakness because it hurts his pride, so understanding that I try my best to be as natural and subtle as possible.

Besides that, I also haven't been completely jobless in the compound. I have a good amount of knowledge so I manage the financial matters of the clan. I'm pretty fast at doing things and I also maintain records so that we have references for later on. The job is not full time so it wasn't a bother during my pregnancy or even in the present when I have to take care of Izuna who is a year old now.

That's right. Now Madara and I have a one year old son named Izuna. Madara was quite bent upon having him named Izuna and honestly, I couldn't really disagree. He had black hair and black eyes just like Madara. He's brought out a good influence on Madara and the clan as a whole.

"Mio sama? Tajima sama wishes for your presence." I looked up from the latest account tally that I was working on to see a maid standing at the door with her head down. I smiled and put down the ink brush as well as placing a weight on the papers so they wouldn't fly away. The window was open and the weather had gotten slightly breezy.

I followed the maid to Tajima san's room and entered after a knock. Mioki san was there too and unlike Tajima san who had that permanent frown plastered on his face, she smiled. "Come in, Mio dear." She said and I went to sit down in front of them on a pillow. "Where is Izuna?" She asked making me smile. "He's sleeping. I left him in the room....I'll go check on him to see if he's awake."

"Its very important for us to spend time with our grandchild. We must pass on our knowledge of the clan to the next generations." Tajima san said closing his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest. I bit the inside of my cheek to hold in a laugh at their obvious wanting to play with their grandson. I did my best to maintain my poker face and I bowed. "Okay, Tajima san. I'll bring him to you when he wakes up." I excused myself after that and when I was outside the room, I shook my head with a laugh.

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