Chapter 2 - Hashi-what now?

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Mi Ho pov:

“Ugh….” I groaned and forced my eyes open. I sat up slowly and flinched as I held my throbbing head. “Aah…appo….[that hurts]” I winched as I felt a painful bump on my head and I looked up to get a view of my surrounding.“Na odhi isso? [where am I?]” I held my head and groaned again. I must have hit myself really hard to be hallucinating that I’m in a forest now.

I looked to the side and saw my luggage lying beside me. I reached for it and unzipped the bag. I got out a bottle of water and drank some water and then splashed my face with some water to ease the throbbing of my head. I just sat there for a while, not moving from the spot as I waited for the world around me to stop spinning and so that I would stop hallucinating that I was in a forest instead of the subway or a hospital.

After a while when my head wasn't aching as much anymore, I stood up and dusted my shorts. I wasn’t going to get anything from sitting around simply and unless I started moving, I probably wouldn’t find anyone either so I decided to start walking in a random direction. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t actually dreaming. It hurt so now I was sure that I wasn’t hallucinating.

Then again, it was kind of strange that I had popped up in the middle of a forest when I was in a subway before I lost consciousness. I should have still been in the wreckage or a hospital if the rescue squad had come, but a forest?

Ihoisted my bag over my shoulder and looked around. I was in a clearing and,there were some trees that had a gap between them....kinda like an opening.I walked through those trees and came across a slightly rugged path. It didn't look like it was used much, but there was a chance that I would run into someone, so I followed rhe path anyway. There were trees and dense buses on either side and I kept glancing around to make sure that I could react if some wild animal jumped out of the bushes.

“Chogiyo…..nugu ga opso? [excuse me….isn’t anyone there?]” I called out as Icontinued to walk. I gave an irritated sigh. “Chh….na jincha odhi isso?! [tch…seriously where am I?!]” I whined. I had been walking for almost half an hour and the trees were still really dense and I had found no sign of people or civilization.

I looked down at my feet which were now throbbing in pain because of walking on uneven ground in stilettos and I gave an annoyed sigh. “Jincha micchokuna. [this is really crazy, isn’t it.]” I bend down and took off the strap and took off my stilettos and huffed. I held my stilettos in my hands and began to walk again but I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes irritated. I had taken off my stilettos and now the stones in the ground were piercing my feet and hurting. C’mon! Where was I and what was I doing here in the first palce?!

I guess I couldn't help it and it was better than the pain in my heel. Besides, I was also worried that I would end up spraining my ankle if I lost my balance. I watched the ground as I walked avoiding sharp stones and thorns, but I snapped my head up and stopped walking when I heard a groan. I looked around trying to locate from which direction the noise came from, but I didn’t hear the sound again and I frowned. That was weird……what was that sound? It sure sounded like a person but maybe it was just a noise in the trees. I took a step forward, but I stiffened when I heard the noise again.

This time, I clearly heard it from my right and I looked at the trees there. “Nugu ya? [who is it?]” I asked sternly, a hint of threat lacing my voice. But I got no answer besides another groan and I narrowed my eyes. I slowly walked to the trees and then through them to the other side.

But when I reached the other side, I saw a man lying on the ground wounded and bleeding on his side. He also had scratches and bruises on his face and his arms and I gasped. My eyes went wide and I ran to him. I dropped my bag and kneeled next to him and touched his shoulder. “Yah! Yah quenchanayo? Yah irona ba! [hey! Hey are you ok? Hey wake up!]” I shook him gently and he groaned and shifted.

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