Chapter 30 - Confessed

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Mi Ho pov:

"Can you put that on table three please?" Sato san said as he handed a small vase with a single rose in it. "Okay, I'll do that." I smiled, taking it from his hands and walking to table three.

I looked out the window with a sigh, momentarily taking a break from all the restaurant hubbub. It had been two days since Madara had met me in my room. The next morning, I got news from Sato san that the day for the war to begin had been decided by the Akatsuki. It was barely a week away and today's restaurant arrangement was to have a possibly last happy and celebrating occasion with friends and family.

Non ninjas weren't going to be harmed in the war, but many ninjas who were going to the front lines would probably not return. It was the silence before the storm and it hung very heavily in the air.

I had been thinking a lot about what Madara said after he had left. The way he had threatened me was like a slap on my face. Even after everything I told him, why couldn't he understand? There wasn't anything he could get by taking over the world. So what if he was the strongest shinobi to have lived? So what if he had the eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and the Rinnegan? What was it he really wanted to achieve by hurting and killing so many people and taking over the world?

Why couldn't I find any way to stop him?

I sighed deeply again. "Kimakyo...." I mumbled to myself. "Mi Ho ya!" "Noona!" I was brought out of my thoughts, giving the best smile I could muster as Kyoshi, oppa, eonni and Jin Hae entered the restaurant. They had been invited for the party too and oppa was responsible for the entertainment part.

Being a person passionate about music, he obviously suggested a karaoke. He would be the main host singing through the celebration and eonni and I would also song one or two songs from our world. The customers could also sing if they wanted to and we would play the instrumental and give them a chance to sing on stage as well.

"Ni san, c'mon in." I turned to them and picked up Jin Hae as he ran to me. Oppa and I had started to talk in Japanese in front of other people these days. It would be strange if we spoke in Korean because no one here understood when we spoke. Besides, I was someone like a legend or prophecy or whatever you call it. And it was a known fact that as the legend, I spoke a different language. So to make sure no one got suspicious of us, we got used to talking in the local language.

"So how are you, Jin Hae?" I asked poking his nose. He giggled, wrapping his arms around my neck in a hug. "I'm good! Guess what noona?! I got first place in physical defense class in the academy! I beat everyone in the friendly spars!" I pulled him away from me to see him blushing. "That's amazing!! That means you're going to be a super strong ninja!" I patted his back as he cheered.

"Poppo? [kiss?]" I puckered my lips and he kissed me innocently. Then I let him down with a chuckle as he ran into the kitchen to have a look at the pastries that were going to be served today. I shook my head with a smile and oppa and eonni walked to me. "He's really excited to see us sing and dance today. And I promised that we would sing and dance for Sherlock by SHINee."

I raised my brow at him. "We?" I clarified and oppa nodded with a laugh. "Yes, we. Both of us are going to be very important hosts for the day. Now lets go help in the kitchen." He didn't even give me time to object! Then again, he was the manager of our dance group back at home and his decisions were pretty much orders for us. When we listened to him, things always went smoothly and perfectly. Looks like this time too, I couldn't quite complain.

I sighed with a slight smile as I followed everyone to the kitchen.

Madara pov:

"What do you mean its not done yet?! Do you need three days to take out some low class idiot like him?!" I yelled in absolute rage at Obito. He flinched, though none of the other Akatsuki members seemed to notice that since they themselves were so sacred by my anger. Besides, Obito would want to look strong in front of the members that he commanded.

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