Chapter 27 - Revived

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Mi Ho pov:

Its been a week since I was contacted by the Akatsuki. After the midnight tea party at their hideout, everything had come back to normal. So normal that I was starting to wonder if I actually met them.

Ryoshi helped me get a job in the village. I was really bored of sitting in the house with nothing to do besides my timely workouts. There was no music, no dancing, nothing. I was living in his house and it was kind of rude of me to freeload off his earnings. I should be helping out too. So I used the reason of me being bored to get myself a job here.

Unfortunately for me, the job wasn't as interesting as I had hoped. I was hired at a local restaurant as a waitress. The restaurant was usually busy though. It was just between Iwa and a few other smaller villages that were afflicted to it. Shinobi constantly passed though here and since the place I worked in was the only restaurant in the village, we had constant floating customers.

Just as I had thought, I was able to get some information about the Akatsuki. Apparently they are a criminal organization collecting the tailed beasts for power. They have attacked several villages including Konoha for this reason alone. I also heard that they are starting a war to get their hands on the last two tailed beasts - just the way Obito had told me. Many of the people who talked about the war even said that they were really afraid because they would have to fight Madara.

I was pretty good at multi tasking. So as I served the customers, I would eavesdrop on all their conversations to get an idea on what was really going on in this world.

But the part about Madara was what really got me surprised. I had managed to start a few small conversations with the customers who came to the restaurant and I asked them about what Madara had done all these years. Well, they did say that he died when Hashirama fought with him for the last time but I was somehow sure that it wasn't true.

They told me that Madara deserted Konoha just a few months after it was formed; which I knew since he told me that before sending me to the future. Apparently, he even attacked Konoha several times, trying to destroy it. He was the strongest shinobi to have lived besides Hashirama; Hashirama was the only one strong enough to end their battles in a draw every time. Madara got control of the nine tailed beast and that was the last time people heard about him.

I don't understand. Madara wanted to protect Izuna but Izuna died. It was Madara's and Hashirama's dream to build a village together to protect people important to them. I know Izuna was the one Madara wanted to protect and after he died, Madara pretty much lost his mind. He became so violent and uneasy and really hurt me to see the usual confident Madara so distraught.

But that was no reason for him to attack his own village! His clan still lived there, at least until the massacre had happened. Jeez!! Why was he always so rash? Why couldn't he just take two minutes to think things through before he acted on it? No matter what reason he had, be it Izuna or the anger he felt for the way his clan was distanced, the way he was doing things wasn't right!

I sighed as I ran my fingers through my wet hair in front of the mirror. Today was my day off from work and oppa and eonni were going to visit. Of course, Jin Hae was going to be with them and I was excited to see him and play with him again.

But my mind was flooding with unnecessary thoughts today. I was particularly upset about hearing one thing that many people spoke about. The fact that Madara had killed his own brother to become stronger. To take his eyes to achieve the eternal mangekyou sharingan. But that wasn't true! They didn't know how much he went through when Izuna died. They didn't know how violent and how distrustful of everyone around him he became! Only I knew.....even though he was probably doing the wrong thing here, I didn't like it that people were saying such things about him. It was wrong to judge people without knowing about them completely.

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