Chapter 37 - Infinite Tsukiyomi

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THIS CHAPTER IS KIND OF A SPOILER!!! It has some scenes that have come in the recently released episodes of Naruto....those who are up to date or who have read the manga wont find this as a spoiler. But I'm one who watches the anime rather than read the manga [Although unfortunately there's no more of the anime for bleach, I'm reading the manga ^^']

Anyway, I have warned readers beforehand! :P

Happy reading!


Mi Ho pov:

"Madara....what are you really doing here?" This was the most dreaded question I had asked him. It was the worst situation and the worst question that I already knew part of the answer for.

Its not that I asked this question because I had to say something. I had yelled at him, insulted him though he wouldn't have understood what I had said in Korean, but he obviously knew I was calling him names of some sort. I had never been afraid of Madara, no matter how strong he was. Even in the past there was a significant difference in our strengths but that never stopped me from blowing up in his face. Whether my importance was because of my special ability or because he truly had feelings for me, I knew he wouldn't hurt me. So I never held back in what I wanted to say to him.

And there was no difference this time either.

Madara narrowed his eyes at my question. He looked so different now. His hair instead of that gorgeous black was white. He had the rinnegan which wasn't any different from when I had seen him after he was resurrected, he had a strange white headband that looked like it was made from bone and had two horns jutting out. His outfit was strange too; white robes and black pants with strange prints on the back of his robes. He had these black spheres floating around him and he also had a staff in hand that looked like what a sage would hold.

"What sort of stupid question is that Mio? Don't tell me that your thinking isn't as fast as it used to be." He mocked with a slightly amused smirk. I shook my head looking to the side. "That's not what I mean, Madara. What do you plan on doing? Yes, I heard of the infinite tsukiyomi plan and I have a very vague idea on what it means because of some books I read. You say its to being out peace in this world.....but at what cost?"

I had noticed that all the people who were comparatively close to where we stood were watching us warily. All of their chakras showed obvious fear, nervousness.....and zero hope. Had Madara really broken their will to fight to such an extent? Just being around people who seemed so terrified made me shiver in discomfort. Imagining what all Madara had done during the war, how many people he must have killed.....with his power, he must have been merciless.

Madara only frowned again. "Look around you Madara. Look at how many people are scared of you. Look at how many people are on the brink of death because of what you've done. You can feel their chakras cant you? Is this what you call peace? Instilling fear, pain, death on this your idea of peace? You've changed a lot from the time I knew you."

"That's right! People change Mi Ho! The whole world changes, and people change! And to make this foolish world attain true peace, this is necessary!" He yelled annoyed. I smiled slightly, laughing at the irony. "People change? Is that what you think?" I lost my smile to a look of anger. "People change only when they lose their way. When they stray away from the path they know is right. Just like you."

"Mio!!" He snarled and everyone's chakra spiked as his chakra raged around him. I shut my eyes as debris was flown all around from where Madara stood. When the dust settled, I opened my eyes again to look at his rage filled eyes.

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