Chapter 11 - Instinct

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Jeez! I cannot believe I forgot about the recording again!

The last time when I had danced, back in the Senju compound, my eonnis had told me that on May 15th, we would have to record the dance for the song Lucifer by SHINee. I had been practicing for it at the Senju compound, but ever since I came here, I hadn't been able to practice even a step. I mean, my phone and other stuff had been confiscated and I was given chores that kept me busy for the whole day. And in the night, I would sleep in a congested room with almost twenty other women while being watched by guards....besides I was too tired to practice at the end of the hectic day anyway.

But recoding dances was really important to me and I somehow had to get Madara to give me permission to get this done.

I followed the guards to a room and the minute I entered, a wave of dizziness hit me. The room had a thick aroma of sake and my eyes stung as the vapours irritated my nose and throat. I coughed and made a face of distaste seeing Madara, Izuna and the ten other people I had seen earlier sitting there with women pouring them sake. There was one woman serving sake to two men. Madara and Izuna had separate persons to serve them and the room was filed with chatter. All of them were lying around lazily, their faces slightly flushed and grinning while talking to each other.

When I entered, the chattering in the room stopped and all of them looked at me in disgust. I refrained from rolling my eyes and I walked to Madara. I didn't sit down and I looked down at him. He had his eyes closed as he sipped his sake and he didn't bother to look at me even though I had come to stand in front if him.

"You know, its not nice to ignore people when they've come to talk to you." I said and I could feel multiple glares from the people around me. Madara paused with the sake cup at his lips. He pulled it away and opened his eyes to look at me. I clenched my fists seeing his sharingan but I didn't look away from him. I knew he was trying to intimidate me and I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me submit.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" He asked. His voice was slightly husky from the sake and his eyes narrowed at me. I sighed and shifted on my feet. "You've asked me that questions a million times already. I believe that you know what kind of person I am and the way I talk to people  especially when you ask me these kind of things. So asking that question.....I would think its unnecessary."

"Hn." He scoffed and sipped his sake again. "And why are you here? I don't want you to ruin my mood." I rolled my eyes again at his attitude. "I came here to ask for my bag. There's something I have to do which I even did in front of the Senju. Its really important to me, so I need my stuff and a room to give a performance." I said and he looked at me suspiciously. "Performance?" I nodded. He just watched silently for a minute and I noticed the woman serving him sake watch him nervously. "I decline."

I huffed. "Look, I'm not doing anything suspicious and besides, it's entertainment. Its something you can watch too." I was trying a different method to convince him. This recording was important to me and I had to get him agree in one way or another so I tried being nice. "Oh? And what entertainment is it?" He pushed. "Dancing." "Dancing? So you dance to impress the men." I clenched my fist. "No, I dance because I like it and because people of any age and place like it."

He chuckled and held his sake cup out. The woman poured him more sake and he watched me with a smirk. "I will let you do your dancing.....on one condition." Obviously. I thought. "And that is?" "An apology." I frowned at his condition. "Apology? For what?" I laughed and he lost his smirk. He narrowed his eyes at me and so did Izuna. "You owe aniki an apology for your disrespectful behavior."

"Excuse me? For your information, I wouldn't have acted that way if you guys had been nicer to me. For all I know, I think you totally deserved everything I did." I crossed my arms and he growled. He stood up, throwing the sake cup to the floor and shattering it in the process. In a split second, he grabbed my collar and shoved me against the wall. "Watch your tongue girl." He sneered. I stuck my tongue out and squinted my eyes....and I was rewarded with a hard slap.

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